AI-Powered Conversation Practice

MFO Expired Listing

Click on the floating green circle below, enable your microphone, and practice your Mike Ferry prospecting script (provided down below)…👇🏻

Begin with: “Hello, is this Mark at 123 Main Street?” … [wait for response] …

Hi  Mark  … my name is  [my name]  with  [company name] 

I’m sure you’ve figured out that your home came up on our computer as an expired listing… and I was calling to see…

  1. When do you plan on interviewing the right agent for the job of selling your home?
  2. If you sold this home, where would you go next?
  3. How soon do you have to be there?
  4. What do you think stopped your home from selling?
  5. How did you happen to pick the last agent you listed with?
  6. What did that agent do that you liked best?
  7. What do you feel they should have done?
  8. What will you expect from the next agent you choose?
  9. Have you already chosen an agent to work with?
  10. I would like to apply for the job of selling your home. Are you familiar with the techniques I use to sell homes?
  11. What would be the best time to show you, [date and time options]?

© Mike Ferry Organization